Pediatric Sedation Options in Burton

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dental sedation in Burton

Why Is Sedation Used In Dentistry?

Dental sedation is the use of medication to relax patients with special needs or dental anxiety. The primary use of sedation is to put patients at ease and reduce negative emotions. However, sedation can also suppress a sensitive gag reflex, reduce pain sensation and restlessness, and improve patient cooperation. 

Another benefit of sedation is that it enables your Burton pediatric dentist to get more dental work done in less time, which can save you time and money. Sedation is a tool available for you to make your child more comfortable and to make the dental treatment process go smoother. Call us today to learn more!

Burton dental sedation

Did you know…

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Nitrous oxide does not cause lingering side effects.

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Sedation Options In Burton

Nitrous Oxide

This is also called minimally inhaled sedation or laughing gas and that’s because nitrous oxide gas is administered through a nasal mask and inhaled by your child. It sometimes makes children feel giddy and laugh a lot, which is why it’s called laughing gas, but this doesn’t always happen. 

More often, children will feel euphoric, calm, and may experience sensations of warmth and tingling. Your child may feel a little sleepy but they will be fully aware of their surroundings and can respond to the dentist. Children usually cannot remember the appointment afterward.

Oral Conscious

A pill that is used to treat anxiety will be given to you and you will take it an hour before your appointment. It takes about an hour to kick in, so once you get to the office, it will be in effect. You will feel drowsy, relaxed, and pain-free. You have a higher likelihood of falling asleep because this is a more powerful sedative. However, we can easily wake you and you will remain conscious.

General Anesthesia

When your child receives general anesthesia, they are put into an unconscious state. This means they will be fully asleep during the procedure and will not be aware of their surroundings, nor will they feel anything. 

A breathing tube will provide them with breathing assistance and their vitals will be carefully monitored in the hospital. General anesthesia is typically reserved for invasive treatments like oral surgery or significant special needs.

The Sedation Treatment Process

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Burton pediatric dentist Dr. An will call you in for a consultation to discuss whether you want your child to be sedated for a certain procedure.

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Review Medical History

Your child’s medical history will be reviewed to determine if they are a good candidate for sedation based on their overall health and the medications that they take.

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Different sedatives require different preparation. Your child may need to fast for 2 to 6 hours and in some cases, need to be monitored afterward.

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Administering Sedative

The sedative will be administered at the office in most cases except oral conscious sedation is taken at home an hour before your appointment. The treatment will be performed while you are under sedation.

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Most patients do not remember the appointment afterward. You may be able to return to normal activities right away with nitrous oxide but not with other sedatives. You will need to be monitored for the next 24 hours with more intense sedatives.

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Frequently Asked Questions

We can determine if sedation is right for your child by reviewing their medical history, their age, and understanding if they have any allergies or take certain medications. Not everyone is a good candidate for sedation, but most people are.

Your child will typically feel relaxed, sleepy, and calm. However, the type and concentration of the sedative can cause different symptoms. Generally, the milder the sedative, the milder the effects will be. On the opposite end, your child won’t experience anything with general anesthesia because it puts them to sleep.

Sedation is very safe when administered by a professional and experienced dentist. However, some sedatives are less risky than others. Nitrous oxide is the mildest and therefore the safest sedative that we use in dentistry. 

It can be administered to both adults and children. If you’re wondering if your toddler is a good candidate for sedation, contact us at Sunflower Pediatric Dentistry for a consultation.