Space Maintenance in Burton

While it’s true that baby teeth are destined to fall out and be replaced by their adult counterparts, when they fall out too early, their absence can cause trouble down the line. Fortunately, space maintainers can keep your child’s teeth from shifting, so their smiles can continue to grow and develop as they should.

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Space Maintenance in Burton

Why would my child need space maintainers?

Your kid’s primary teeth have a significant role to play. They help your little one speak correctly or bite, chew, and guide the adult teeth below them to erupt into an appropriate position. A significant function of the baby teeth is to hold space for the permanent teeth that will push them out eventually.

However, several circumstances can cause your child to lose one or a few of their baby teeth prematurely. When this occurs, the permanent teeth about to come in can be blocked completely. This may result in crooked or crowded teeth.

If your child’s tooth has come out prematurely due to an infection, decay, or accident, the Burton pediatric dentist at Sunflower Pediatric Dentistry can offer a solution. We will provide a painless space maintenance service to facilitate your child’s permanent teeth development. Call us today at (440) 273-8104.

Burton Space Maintenance

Did you know…

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The first baby teeth start to fall out around the age of 6, and the last baby teeth fall out around the ages of 12-14.

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Intraoral Scanner

With our intraoral scanner, we can quickly and accurately create 3D images of your child’s teeth, gums, and bite to make treatment planning a breeze.

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Removable Space Maintainers

For older children who can reliably follow care instructions, removable space maintainers may be a good option. They utilize an artificial tooth or acrylic block to fill a large space between teeth. Their ability to be removed makes it easier for children to keep up with their oral hygiene.

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Fixed Space Maintainers

Fixed space maintainers are great for a variety of needs, including for younger children who may not be able to reliably take care of a removable appliance.

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Before & After

A smile is worth 1,000 words.

See real patient success stories.

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Prevent Complications

Early baby tooth loss makes it more likely that the adult teeth won’t erupt properly. This could negatively affect your child’s oral health as they grow and their jaws and teeth continue to develop throughout their childhood and teenage years.

Save Time & Money

If your child’s missing baby tooth causes a serious orthodontic issue, they may require braces or other orthodontic treatments to restore their oral health. Space maintainers are affordable, and virtually eliminate the risk of complications from a missing baby tooth.

Get Peace Of Mind

With a space maintainer, you’ll know that your child’s oral health is protected, and that their adult teeth won’t have any trouble erupting as they grow. If you ask us, that’s worth every penny.

The Space Maintainer Process

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Confidential Consultation

During the initial consultation, your dentist will help determine if a space maintainer is ideal for your child. First, Dr. Ying An will evaluate your little one’s dental arches, the empty tooth socket, surrounding teeth, and overall oral health. This helps her to get a picture of the kid’s dental needs.

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Your pediatric dentist will take several digital scans to check the development of the project eruption. If your child’s permanent teeth are about to erupt, a space maintainer may not be recommended. A space maintainer may be necessary if the adult teeth have years to develop.

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Appliance Maintenance

Once we decide on the best dental treatment method, we will secure the dental appliance (space maintainer) between the adjacent teeth. Once it has been fixed, the dentist will find a proper fit to guarantee maximum comfort.

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Follow-up Appointment

You will need to book regular appointments to monitor the progress. Ultimately, the dentist will remove the space maintainer as the permanent teeth erupt.

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Frequently Asked Questions

A space maintainer can help create room for incoming permanent teeth. Besides, maintainers offer a painless way to keep adjacent teeth in the proper position. If you delay space maintenance treatment, you can incur significant oral surgery or orthodontic care costs.

Want to book an appointment for space maintenance? Contact us online or call (440) 273-8104 to speak with one of our professional dentists.

Space maintainers are an ideal teeth treatment for any child experiencing tooth loss. However, a space maintainer may not be necessary if your child’s adult tooth is about to erupt. Contact us for assistance if you are unsure if the maintainer is appropriate for your child.

When fitted professionally, space maintainers should not cause pain. However, your child can feel some discomfort for the first few days. Once they are accustomed to the feel of the space maintainer, they will almost forget if they have the appliance.

Your child should brush and floss daily to prevent cavities from building around the space maintainer. They should also avoid chewing gum or taking hard and sticky foods. It is also inappropriate for your child to pull the space maintainer with their tongue, fingers, or other objects.